Thursday, December 27, 2012

Awful or Awesome - Prologue

I love holidays! BUT, they are wery boring when it comes to style... In the last week I have not worn any interesting outfits, or seen anything inspiring, my style has consisted of the ugliest (and admittedly most comfortable) things from the bottom of my wardrobe and I have turned into Common Housewife Extraordinaire... Nothing alternative about my Christmas, and my latest order of perfume samples has failed to arrive as of yet... All of this combined = nothing to write about...

UNTIL I took a look in my wardrobe here at my parents house. I still have a room here and I have never really moved out (nor do I plan to, I happen to get along with my parents so well that I don´t really have a reason to move out). My closet here contains some really strange clothing items, mostly impulsively trifted and never really worn. At my other home I also have some strange items that have brought similar reactions from friends, but that I find absolutely fantastic... I have a tendency to fall for clothes that are so strange that I can´t really tell if they are awful or awesome and that have many of my friends cringing. And so I thought to share these strange finds with likeminded fellows!

Hence the new blog project, Awful or Awesome! Like Hot or Not except it is not about hotness at all... Most of these items will not be hot, all of them will be some kind of strange, some of them will be so strange that I bought them for nothing at all because no normal, conforming person would wear them. If my friends cringe and question my sanity when I come home with a find, it will go straight into this category! If I cringe and question my OWN sanity, then that item will definitely show up in this category!

Now, off to photograph some really strange clothes!

Edit: Decided to rename this segment Awful or Awesome, rather than Ugly or Awesome... For no other reason than that alliteration is awesome!!


  1. How very interesting! Makes me very keen because your previous posts on style are awesome. My everyday style is boring/comfortable, just blahhh. I will be drawing a lot of inspiration from your future posts :)

    1. Thank you! I´m glad if I can inspire someone to do something creative with their style!! Though, admittedly, I´m not creative every day either... Today I´m wearing bright red fleece long johns, a black top full of white dog hair and socks with holes in them. Very comfortable! ;)

  2. Sounds fun! I am interested to see! I love finding really unique pieces in second hand shops. Sometimes they look awful on me but suit someone else in the family perfectly! I like unique items that don't really blend in! I admire bold style!

    1. I try to always be near the edge between awesome and awful... Or as Eddie Izzard says is some sketch, it goes from cool cool Cool COOL to looks like a dickhead! Lol!
